
Kylie’s design is based on Django’s ORM, so it may look pretty familiar. To use Kylie Models in a project, first import it. The API is pretty small:

from kylie import Model, Attribute, Relation

The simplest use is to extend Model, and attach some Attribute instances:

class Animal(Model):
    id = Attribute()
    name = Attribute()

If you have a dictionary of JSON types, you can deserialize it into an Animal instance as follows:

daisy_pig = Animal.deserialize({
    'id': 1234,
    'name': 'Daisy',

This will give you an object with a bunch of attributes you can query, such as and

We can do the opposite, by calling serialize on an instantiated Animal instance:

>>> daisy_data = daisy_pig.serialize()
>>> daisy_data
    'id': 1234,
    'name': 'Daisy',

Instantiating a Model with a bunch of data can be done with keyword params:

daisy_pig = Animal(animal_id=1234, name='Daisy')

You can then call serialize on this to return a dict containing the object’s data.

But that’s not very interesting, so let’s see what else we can do.

Name Mapping

id is not a very good attribute name in Python. So we probably want to map the JSON attribute’s key to something like animal_id, so let’s try that:

class Animal(Model):
    animal_id = Attribute('id')
    name = Attribute()

Now if we run the deserialize call above, then daisy_pig will have an attribute called animal_id instead of id. Result!

This is particularly nice if you’re mapping a bunch of keys that use javaNamingConvention to python_naming_convention.

Type Mapping

So we can do name-mapping, but what about type-mapping? For example, JSON doesn’t support timestamps unless they’re stored as numbers or formatted strings, but that’s not very nice in Python, where we have (slightly) nicer datetime objects.

Can Kylie do the mapping for you? You bet! You’ll need a function that converts from the serialized form to the Python type, and another that does the reverse mapping though. Let’s define those:

from datetime import datetime, timedelta

def dt_to_milliseconds(dt):
    epoch = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)
    delta = dt - epoch
    return int(delta.total_seconds() * 1000.0)

def milliseconds_to_dt(millis):
    epoch = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)
    return epoch + timedelta(seconds=millis / 1000.0)

And now we create an Attribute using the python_type and serialized_type parameters:

class Animal(Model):
    animal_id = Attribute('id')
    name = Attribute()
    birth_date = Attribute(python_type=milliseconds_to_dt,

Now you can do the following:

>>> daisy_pig = Animal.deserialize({
...     'id': 1234, 'name': 'Daisy', 'birth_date': 1428870071656
... })
>>> daisy_pig.birth_date
datetime.datetime(2015, 4, 12, 20, 21, 11, 656000)

Nested Models

If a person drives a car, you can define the following:

class Car(Model):
    color = Attribute()

class Person(Model):
    name = Attribute()
    car = Relation(Car)

The following will now work:

>>> maggie = Person.deserialize({
...     'name': 'Margaret',
...     'car': {
...         'color': 'red'
...     }
... })

<__main__.Car instance as #123455>


Nested Sequences

If a car has multiple wheels, you can store them in an embedded sequence:

class Wheel(Model):
    front = Attribute()
    side = Attribute()

class Car(Model):
    wheels = Relation(Wheel, sequence=True)

Now you can store and lists of Wheels with your car:

>>> reliant_robin = Car.deserialize({
...     'wheels': [
...         dict(front=True, side='Middle'),
...         dict(front=False, side='Left'),
...         dict(front=False, side='Right'),
...     ]
... })

>>> reliant_robin.wheels
[<__main__.Wheel at 0x10306bdd0>,
 <__main__.Wheel at 0x10306ba50>,
 <__main__.Wheel at 0x10306bb90>]

Type Choices

Sometimes you need to determine the type of an input dictionary at runtime. Often the dictionary will contain a special attribute, called type, __type__ or class (or something else) that tells the deserializer how to deserialize the dictionary into an object.

Contrived Example

A PetOwner class contains a pet attribute that can either be an instance of Cow or an instance of Dog. The type is indicated by a ‘__type__’ attribute on the serialized dictionary.

class TypedModel(Model):
    Models must be stored with an extra attribute for MappedModelChoice
    to work.
    model_type = None

    def post_serialize(self, d):
        d['__type__'] = self.model_type

class Cow(TypedModel):
    model_type = 'cow'

class Dog(TypedModel):
    model_type = 'dog'
    wagging = Attribute()

class PetOwner(Model):
    """ A class that either has a cow or a dog as a pet. """

    # MappedModelChoice defaults to using the '__type__' attribute, and
    # takes a map of __type__ value -> deserialization class.
    pet = Relation(MappedModelChoice({
        'cow': Cow,
        'dog': Dog

Now you can deserialize the following:

data = {
    'pet': {'__type__': 'dog', 'wagging': True}
pet_owner = PetOwner.deserialize(data)

If you have more complex logic for choosing a class for deserialization, you can extend BaseModelChoice and implement the choose_model method.

What else should I know?

If a value in the input dict is None, it will be set to None in the deserialized object. There’s no way to ensure a value is non-None.

If an attribute is missing from the input dict, deserialize will fail with an exception. There is currently no way to flag an attribute as ‘possibly missing’. It’s on the list.

Currently, Kylie doesn’t do any validation of anything. If you get an exception that seems like a bad fit, please raise an issue on GitHub.